Advocating for People with Disability

Empowering and supporting individuals with disabilities to live fulfilling lives

Challenges Faced by Individuals with Disabilities

Understanding the obstacles that impact the daily lives of people with disabilities

Limited Accessibility

Many public spaces and buildings lack appropriate accessibility measures, hindering independence

Limited Employment Opportunities

Finding employment can be challenging due to bias and lack of inclusive workplace policies

Inadequate Support Services

Insufficient resources and assistance make it difficult for individuals to access necessary support

Social Stigma and Discrimination

Negative attitudes and discrimination create barriers to inclusion and societal acceptance

Our Solution-Oriented Services

Providing comprehensive support and resources to enhance the lives of people with disabilities


We provide advocacy services to individuals with disabilities, ensuring that their voices are heard and their rights are protected.


We offer educational programs and workshops to individuals with disabilities, empowering them with knowledge and skills for personal and professional growth.

Community Support

We provide community support services to individuals with disabilities, fostering a sense of belonging and promoting social integration.

Our Successful Journey

Debby Bless Ghana Foundation was founded out of a commitment to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities

We adopt a holistic approach, offering an array of services that empower and support our clients

Together, let’s make a difference

Join us in advocating for disability rights and inclusion

OR Call Us At:

+233 24-204-0014

Benefits of Our Services

Discover the positive impact our services can have on individuals with disabilities

Enhanced Accessibility

We work to increase accessibility and remove physical barriers, promoting independence

Employment Support

Our programs offer job training, placement assistance, and create inclusive workplaces

Comprehensive Assistance

We provide extensive support services, connecting individuals to the resources they need


Join hands with us to empower lives

OR Call Us At:

+233 24-204-0014

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